Maintenance Plan

Protect your system with HVAC maintenance plan in Lynchburg, VA, from Southern Air, Inc. Ensure efficiency & comfort all year with our maintenance. Call us now!


Same day service
Lower utility bills
Extended equipment life
Fewer repairs
Improved capacity
20% Discount on repairs
24-hr emergency service
Never an overtime charge

Service Agreements

Southern Air offers comprehensive service agreements to maximize the lifespan of your HVAC equipment, providing year-round maintenance and 24/7 emergency support.

Clean condenser coil (if applicable)
Monitor temperature split
Clean evaporator coil (if accessible)
Clean air filters
Clean condensate drains
Test starting capabilities
Monitor voltage / amperage
Adjust and clean blower components (when necessary)    
Clean heat exchanger
Clean and adjust burner / pilot assembly
Test for proper air flow
Tighten electrical connections
Lubricate moving parts (where applicable)
Measure heating/cooling transfer capability    
Test and adjust safety controls
Monitor flue draft
Clean ignition assembly
Perform safety inspection on heat exchanger
Level thermostat
Monitor fan and safety controls
  •  A diagnostic fee will be charged.
  • No repairs or improvements will be undertaken without customer approval
  • Repairs, if needed, will be discounted 20% from our prevailing rates.
  • Emergency service calls will be charged at our prevailing rates less discount on 20% repairs.
  • Replacement air conditioning and/or heating units do not qualify for the discount.

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